In Biloxi

Biloxi Car Accident Lawyer

Missy Wigginton

Hello friends and family, I am Missy Wigginton, also known as Mama Justice. When meeting me, some people ask me how I got my name. The answer: I h...

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Biloxi Car Accident Lawyer

If you’ve been injured in a car accident in the Biloxi area and you believe another driver was at fault, contact MW Law Firm – Mama Justice today for a free case review.

Car accidents are extremely upsetting, even when they are minor. The experience of colliding with another vehicle on the road is traumatic and terrifying. There is a reason why car wrecks are so unsettling to us emotionally: hundreds of people are killed every year in Mississippi car accidents alone, and several thousand more are seriously injured. According to statistics from the Mississippi Department of Transportation, there were almost 700 car accident fatalities statewide in 2015. Everytime we get behind the wheel, we know we are putting our lives at risk.

To add insult to injury, car wrecks are largely preventable. Many car wrecks are caused by drivers making bad choices, including driving while distracted by their phones, or intoxicated. When a driver disregards traffic laws or drives carelessly or recklessly, they are being negligent. Negligent drivers have to be held responsible for the accidents and subsequent damages they cause. In doing so, we ensure that Mississippi roadways are safer for all who use them.

The other reason why we must hold negligent drivers responsible is because their actions cause damage. Getting injured in a car wreck or worse, losing a loved one in a fatal accident, is an extremely expensive situation to find yourself in. From medical treatment to lost wages, the costs pile up so fast you may begin to feel you are drowning in bills.

The laws in Biloxi and across our state of Mississippi allow those injured in a car accident to seek compensation for the damages they have faced. You have the right to sue to collect reimbursement for medical expenses, lost wages, therapy, and sometimes even less quantifiable damages such as pain and suffering.

The Biloxi car accident lawyers at MW Law Firm – Mama Justice are committed to holding negligent drivers accountable for the injuries and losses they cause. If you think you have a case and would like to speak to someone on our team, give us a call. We offer free consultations.

Top Causes of Car Accidents in the United States

It is not unusual for several different factors to lead to a car crash. This is why sometimes car accident cases can become complicated. The most common negligent behaviors that lead to serious car accidents in the United States are:

  • Not Following the Rules of the Road: An overwhelming majority of car accidents in the United States are caused by motorists who do not adhere to the rules of the road, such as the speed limit. When a motorist drives at reckless speeds, fails to use their turn indicators, or fails to give another driver or a pedestrian the right-of-way, their conduct is considered negligent.
  • Driving Under the Influence: According to data published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were more than 11,600 fatalities caused by car accidents in which at least one driver was under the influence of alcohol in 2020. This accounts for about 30% of all car accident fatalities in the United States in that year. Driving while intoxicated is not only a crime, but it is 100% avoidable. There is absolutely no justifiable reason for anyone to get behind the wheel when they have been drinking.
  • Driving While Distracted: Smartphones and other electronic devices are a major part of everyone’s lives nowadays. When a driver decides to post to social media, add a song to a playlist, or send a text to a friend while they are operating a motor vehicle, they are making a very dangerous choice. Even though these tasks only take a couple of seconds, that is all it takes to cause a serious accident. Other forms of distraction, such as eating, drinking, talking to a passenger, reaching for a fallen object, and driving while tired, also cause a great deal of our nation’s car accidents.

The one thing that all three of these factors have in common is that they are preventable. To be clear, there are rare occasions where a collision is truly unavoidable. More often than not, however, car accidents are the result of negligent conduct on the part of at least one driver.

Mississippi Car Insurance

State law requires all Mississippi drivers to carry liability insurance. This is what is used to compensate the victim should the driver be responsible for causing an accident. In Mississippi, the policy minimums under the law include $25,000 per person for bodily injury, $50,000 per accident for bodily injury, and $25,000 for property damage. Although these amounts make it legal for you to drive and might be sufficient to cover a minor injury, in a case of serious injury with long-term effects on the victim, they are woefully inadequate to cover the medical expenses.

Depending on its severity, a car accident can cause long-term or even permanent injuries that require long-term or life long care and involve a great deal of pain and suffering. These injuries include spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, internal organ damage, compound fractures, and severe burns.

If you are badly injured in a car accident, our Biloxi car accident lawyers will work hard to ensure that you receive the maximum amount of financial compensation for your injuries and other damages. We want to help ease the burden of the legal journey you must go on to get the compensation you need and are entitled to. Our team will handle your claim so you can focus on healing and moving on with your life.

Be aware that insurance adjusters are highly trained negotiators who will try their best to reduce the amount of your payout by downplaying the severity of the accident or your injuries. They could even try to say that the car accident was not the cause of your injuries and you are lying. Remember, after you are injured in a car accident, the insurance company is worried about its bottom line, not your well-being. This is why it is so important to make sure you have a Biloxi car accident lawyer representing you.

It is possible that the other driver’s insurance carrier will claim that their client was not liable for the crash. This common strategy involves the insurer trying to shift as much of the blame as possible onto you. Insurance adjusters will do anything in their power to save their employer money after a policyholder is involved in an accident.

What To Do After a Mississippi Car Accident

Immediately after a serious Mississippi car accident, police and emergency medical services will respond to the scene. Here are a few things you should always do right after being involved in a car accident:

Collect Evidence

Gather as much relevant evidence as you possibly can. Take pictures of the scene, of every vehicle involved in the accident, and any visible injuries you have. Make sure that you write down the day and time the accident took place and make a note of the weather conditions and any road hazards, such as a non-functioning traffic light.

Exchange names, contact details, and insurance details with the other driver(s) involved in the accident. If any bystanders saw what happened, write down their names and contact details as well. Don’t forget to ask for a copy of the police crash report.

Seek Immediate Medical Attention

The aftermath of a serious car crash is extremely chaotic, especially if people were badly injured. Paramedics and other emergency responders will arrive on the scene. You could be in shock, unsure of how the accident even happened. You could also be injured and not realize it, as adrenaline can sometimes mask the pain at first.

It isn’t uncommon for accident victims to feel as though they are unharmed after a crash and decline being taken to the hospital by the paramedics. Regardless of how fine you feel, it is strongly recommended that you seek immediate medical attention since many injuries are not immediately apparent. It may be a full day or two before you begin to realize that your low-level of pain is steadily increasing or that you don’t have your full range of motion. Getting examined by a doctor can not only prevent a minor injury from getting worse, but it will also help to strengthen your injury claim down the road.

Recoverable Damages After a Biloxi Car Accident

After being injured in a negligence-based auto accident, you could be entitled to collect financial compensation that is related to your damages, such as:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost earnings
  • Lost earning potential
  • Medical devices
  • Emotional anguish
  • Reduced quality of life

Most people are aware that they can collect financial damages after a car wreck that wasn’t their fault, to pay for things like hospitalization, ambulance transport, surgery, etc. What many people do not know, however, is that they may also be eligible to collect damages for pain and suffering as well as other less easily calculable damages.

Do I Really Need to Hire a Biloxi Car Accident Lawyer?

After a car accident, most people understandably just want the whole ordeal done and over with as soon as possible. It may feel like complicating matters to call a lawyer, but the reality is that not calling one will probably result in a much worse outcome and hinder your ability to move on from the incident.

Having no lawyer means you will probably be offered far less than what you are actually entitled to. You may find after you’ve agreed to such a settlement that you have worse injuries than you initially knew, resulting in financial ruin with no recourse, since you already agreed to settle for less than you ended up needing.

Insurance companies are looking out for their own best interests, and that includes minimizing or refusing your payout. Insurance companies have many time-tested strategies to persuade you to agree to a lowball settlement. Once you sign for it, a legally binding contract has been created and you will not be eligible for any additional funds.

Don’t let this happen to you. Let our reputable Biloxi car accident lawyers handle your car accident case on your behalf.

Mississippi’s Statute of Limitations

In almost all personal injury cases in the state of Mississippi, you are given three years from the day of your accident to file a suit. Three years may sound like a long time, but if your case gets stuck in negotiations, while you are dealing with ongoing medical treatment, time can get away from you. Also, there are sometimes unique circumstances that could mean you have a shorter statute of limitations.

If you fail to file before the deadline lapses, you will be prohibited from seeking any financial recovery. This is another reason why it’s so beneficial to get your Biloxi car accident lawyer secured early on – so they can make sure not to miss this or any other important deadlines during the process.

When you work with an attorney from MW Law Firm – Mama Justice, they will take responsibility for making sure that none of the applicable deadlines are missed, thus ensuring you don’t lose your right to financial compensation.

You Need an Experienced Biloxi Car Accident Lawyer

At MW Law Firm – Mama Justice, we know the emotional, physical and financial stress that a serious car accident creates. That is why we make it a priority to enter into negotiations with the insurer from the strongest possible position. Our personal injury attorneys achieve this by:

  • Thoroughly investigating the cause of your accident
  • Identifying the person liable for the accident and your injuries
  • Finding all potential avenues of financial recovery
  • Having your medical records reviewed by an expert
  • Learning the full scope of your injuries
  • Calculating your overall damages as well as your anticipated needs
  • Filing all documentation with the insurance carrier
  • Negotiating the largest settlement possible on your behalf
  • Filing a lawsuit if an equitable settlement cannot be reached

At MW Law – Mama Justice, our knowledgeable personal injury lawyers will fight diligently for the financial compensation you are entitled to. Contact our Biloxi law offices today to schedule your free consultation so we can review your potential case.

Common Causes of Car Accidents in Mississippi

Most Mississippi residents drive or ride in a motor vehicle every single day. Unfortunately, Mississippi has one of the highest fatal car accident rates per capita nationwide.

In Mississippi, the number one cause of car accidents is drivers who are intoxicated. It is important to learn the signs of a drunk driver so you can do your best to avoid them.

Remain vigilant when driving or riding as a passenger and look out for drivers who engage in dangerous behaviors, such as:

  • Swerving
  • Not responding or responding suddenly to traffic signs and signals
  • Driving without headlights
  • Driving way too fast/Driving way too slow
  • Tailgating
  • Making sudden and unnecessary changes in their speed
  • Rubbing or striking the curb
  • Leaving their turn indicator on
  • Driving into oncoming traffic
  • Driving on the median
  • Making sudden or unsafe turns

Another leading cause of serious car accidents on Biloxi’s roadways is distracted driving. Distracted driving encompasses any activity that takes a driver’s hands off the wheel or eyes off the roadway. Some common examples of distracted driving are:

  • Talking to passengers, especially those in the back seat
  • Sending and receiving text messages
  • Making telephone calls without a hands-free device
  • Eating
  • Drinking
  • Personal grooming
  • Dealing with children
  • Reading
  • Programming the GPS, changing the radio station, or adjusting your car’s seats or mirrors

Car Accident Injuries Commonly Seen in Biloxi, MS

No matter what caused them, car accidents often leave victims seriously or even fatally injured. There are a wide variety of injuries that can occur in a car accident. Some of the most common severe injuries include:

  • Broken bones/Fractured bones
  • Internal organ damage
  • Internal bleeding
  • Neck injuries/Back injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries, such as paralysis
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Whiplash

Any head injury must be examined right away and watched carefully for signs or symptoms of traumatic brain injury or TBI. TBI is the result of a bump, blow, or jolt to the head that disrupts normal brain function. TBI may be mild to severe.

Signs and symptoms of TBI include:

  • Headache
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Fatigue or drowsiness
  • Speech problems
  • Loss of balance
  • Blurred vision
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Light sensitivity
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Memory problems
  • Mood swings
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Sleeping more than usual

Do I Have to Report My Biloxi Car Accident to Law Enforcement?

There is no law in Mississippi that requires drivers to notify the police if the car accident was minor with no serious injuries. If, however, someone was injured or property damages exceeding $250.00 occurred, then the accident has to be reported to the authorities within 10 days.

Bear in mind that it is probably in your best interest to report the incident immediately after it happens, particularly if you think the other driver was the cause. A police crash report could serve as a vital piece of evidence that can be used to help strengthen your injury claim. Additionally, some insurance providers require a police report to be filed as part of their claim-initiating process. Even if your accident is fairly minor and no officer is dispatched, you will still be able to show that you made every effort to report the incident to the proper authorities.

How Is Liability Determined in a Biloxi Car Accident?

One of the most important elements in establishing fault for an accident is the collection and preservation of evidence from the scene. This can include photos, eyewitness testimonies, footage from surveillance, dashboard, or traffic cameras, etc. These, along with the police crash report, will be used by the insurance adjuster to help determine who is liable for the crash.

In some instances, all of this evidence is still not enough to determine fault, especially if additional factors, like a hazardous roadway or inclement weather are believed to have contributed to the collision. These cases are often sent to arbitration in order to be settled, although some people will choose to take the matter to court and have it resolved through litigation.

In Mississippi, you can still pursue financial compensation for accident-related damages even if you share in liability. Your total settlement amount will, however, be reduced by your total percentage of fault. In cases where fault is unable to be accurately determined, it is essential to work with a lawyer who can help you maximize the amount of your potential compensation.

What Should I Do if I Get a Call From an Insurance Adjuster?

You will usually receive a phone call from the other driver’s insurance company soon after your car accident. They will ask you to give an interview or provide them with a recorded statement. You have every right to refuse the call or ask them to speak with your lawyer instead.

Hire a Biloxi Car Accident Lawyer

If you want the process of gaining compensation for your injuries from a car wreck that you did not cause to go as smoothly as possible, you should not wait another minute to contact our law firm. We will handle everything from the moment we sign you up to take your case, so you can focus on what matters most – healing and getting back to your life.

Let us help you get everything you deserve under the law after the traumatic experience you’ve gone through. Contact our offices at 888-242-4603 for your free case evaluation.

About Our Firm

Hello friends and family, I am Missy Wigginton, also known as Mama Justice. When meeting me, some people ask me how I got my name. The answer: I have 2 sons. When they were little, we always had a yard full of kids. All my boys’ friends called me Mama Missy because I made sure they were all fed and had plenty of cool drinks on those hot, southern, summer days. Being a mama is one of the most rewarding and best jobs that God has ever blessed me with.

I am also thankful that God put me in a position where He can use me to help others in very difficult times. I, too, have been in difficult times, the worst of which being when my 25-year-old son left this earth for his heavenly home. Through the trials and tribulations of my loss, God remained faithful. Losing my son taught me that all things that happen in life can be used for good. My job allows me to be Mama Missy not only to my beloved children and grandchildren but to everyone who needs justice. Hence the name, Mama Justice. Although I am familiar with many areas of law, I focus my practice on personal injury cases. I represent injured people in all types of wrecks, accidents and work-related issues. For many folks, a car crash or work-related accident has the potential to turn their lives upside down, leaving them unsure of which direction to turn. When this happens to you, my goal is to help you through your most difficult times and make sure that you are properly represented when dealing with insurance companies. I will take on the headache of dealing with insurance companies so you can focus on getting better. I will personally work your case and ensure that every client stays informed and is treated as a friend and family member here at Mama Justice. Our business model is just that—to treat all clients like family! If you have had a wreck or been in an accident, then you have come to the right place—we are here to help you. Call us at (833) 626-2587 today for a free consultation!

If you were injured or lost a loved one as a result of someone else’s negligence,contact our Mississippi personal injury lawyers or call us at (833) 626-2587 for a free and confidential consultation.


Personal Injury Attorneys

Serving Mississippi and Tennessee

Few things are as upsetting as being injured due to the careless or reckless actions of another person or company. Here at Mama Justice – MW Law Firm, we are committed to helping everyday people throughout Mississippi and Tennessee get through some of the most difficult times in their lives. Our lawyers are licensed in Mississippi, Tennessee, and Alabama, with active cases in all three states. Led by founding attorney, Missy Wigginton, AKA Mama Justice, our legal team brings decades of experience in personal injury and wrongful death law to our practice. Here at the firm, we have a lot of empathy for you and your situation; that’s why we listen to your story and work tirelessly to obtain the best possible results for your case.



Hear Our Success Stories

  • Over 40 Years of Combined Experience

    With over 40 years of combined experience, we are dedicated to fighting for your rights and obtaining the best possible outcome for your case.

  • We Treat Our Clients Like Family

    We always treat you with care and attention. Our goal is to stand by your side and help you navigate through the legal issues when you need us.

  • Fierce & Hands-On Legal Team

    Our team has a proven track record of holding accountable parties responsible. No matter how difficult, complex, or stressful your situation may be, we are prepared to help.

  • Direct Communication

    When you hire us, you can count on us to handle your case personally. We are involved from start to finish and you will be informed throughout the entire process.

Hear What Others Have To Say

Catastrophic Injuries

I love them!! Best to ever do it!!! Mama Justice is where it's at!! They will never let you down!! Some of the best people I've

Work Injury Client Testimonial

Definitely recommend Mama Justice. They have been there for me and I highly recommend!!!!!

Client Experience after a Car Accident

I love them!! Best to ever do it!!! Mama Justice is where it's at!! They will never let you down!! Some of the best people I've

The Most Common Types of Personal Injury Claims Mama Justice Handles

Our team at Mama Justice has handled a wide variety of different personal injury claims in our decades of personal injury law experience. We work tirelessly to obtain the best possible results for our clients. We treat them like family.

We understand that being a lawyer involves much more than just knowing and understanding the law. It takes compassion and the ability to be aggressive when necessary. Led by our founding attorney, Missy Wigginton, AKA Mama Justice, our legal team brings decades of personal injury law experience to the table.

The most common types of personal injury claims filed in Mississippi, Tennessee, and Alabama each year are those related to:

If you have been injured in a personal injury accident in Jackson, Tupelo, Corinth, Columbus, Starkville, Greenville, Hattiesburg, Southaven, or one of the surrounding areas, Mama Justice can help you get the compensation you are entitled to for your injuries and losses. We also handle claims in Tennessee and Alabama so call us today to talk about your accident and see if you can pursue compensation.

If you or someone you love has been injured in an accident, contact us today!

2005 West Main St. Tupelo, MS 38801

406 Galleria Dr., Suite 7 Oxford, MS 38655

 1671 Lelia Dr Suite B, Jackson, MS 39216

5100 Poplar Ave., Suite 2700 Memphis, TN 38137

905 Main Street, Columbus MS 39701

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